Li Chao | 李超

Li Chao | 李超

Li Chao graduated from Beijing Dance Academy major in contemporary choreography. He is an independent dancer choreographer, also the founder of the studio nomoreplay. As a dancer, Chao played in Sidi Larbi’s dance work Genesis. As choreographer he was commissioned to create a piece for Apologue directed by Zhang Yimou in 2018 and 2019. Chao’s personal choreographic works include Journey, For ex, Ex Next, Don’t I know you, Best Before, etc. Several of his creations have been selected/supported by China Youth Dance Talents Training Program. His many other choreographic works include original dance drama Cinderella (NCPA), Gate, Chinese Orphan (National Arts Foundation Program), Exchange (Young Artists Platform 2017), Nothing more than Two Circles (2019), Pain (2020), Xianxinghai(2021).

舞者,不再兒戲(nomoreplay)創始人,畢業於北京舞蹈學院編導系現代舞專業。個人代表作有 《旅行》《forex》等。曾任國家大劇院原創歌劇《灰姑娘》編舞及舞者,國家大劇院原創當代舞劇 《洗星海》編導,張藝謀導演作品《2047對話·寓言》第二季《號子·染》和《2047對話·寓言》第三季《南音·愛唱書·染》編導/編舞,並多次參加國內外藝術節與劇場。