David Jhave Johnston – IPNHK 2019 Special Guest

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David Jhave Johnston is a digital-poet focused on combinatorial poetics and multimedia poetry. Pacifist, vegetarian, and pessimist, he believes the role of poetry is to evoke empathy. His work addresses literature in emergent domains: artificial intelligence, immersive environments, 3D animation, VR, and coding. Education: Bachelor of Computer Science, Masters in InteractiveArts, and interdisciplinary research-creation PhD. In 2017, he conceived and coded ReRites: a durational artificial-intelligence human-machine writing experiment. In the spring of 2019, Anteism Press will publish the results of that research as a 12 volume set of human+A.I. poetry books with 10 accompanying essays. His theoretical work Aesthetic Animism: Digital Poetry’s Ontological Implications (MIT Press, 2016) won the N. Katherine Hayles Award. Since 1999, he has intentionally published (and internationally exhibited) many interactive language-art works online (not on paper) at www.glia.ca.

大衛.嘉維.莊士敦 David Jhave Johnston,是一位致力於組合詩學與多媒體詩歌的數字詩人。他是一名和平主義、素食主義、和悲觀主義者,並相信詩歌的作用是喚起人的同理心。他的作品涉足文學裡的新興領域:人工智能,沈浸式環境,3D動畫,虛擬實境和編程。David的教育背景包括:計算機科學學士,交互藝術碩士,跨學科研究創作博士學位。2017年,他構思並編寫了ReRites:一個持續的人工智能人機寫作實驗。2019年春季,Anteism Press以12冊詩歌與10篇論文的形式出版《人類+AI》的研究結果。他的理論著作《美學萬物有靈:數字詩歌的本體論意義》(麻省理工學院出版社,2016)榮獲瑟琳海爾斯獎。自1999年,他在 www.glia.ca(非紙本媒體)和國際展覽上發佈他的交互語言藝術作品。