Viorica Patea – IPNHK 2019 Special Guest


Viorica Patea is a translator, scholar, and editor. She has published books and edited various collections of essays. Her edited essays, Short Story Theories: A Twenty-First-Century Perspective received the Javier Coy Research Award for the best edited book. She translated from Romanian into Spanish the annotated edition of El diario de la felicidad by Nicolae Steinhardt. She has produced translated books of poems by Ana Blandiana, including Proyectos de Pasado, Las Cuatro estaciones, and co-translated My Native Land A4 and Sun of the Hereafter & the Ebb of the Senses, in addition to Octubre, noviembre, diciembre, and Un arcángel manchado de hollín. She has worked on the bilingual Spanish-English edition of Patrizia de Rachewiltz’s poems Mi Taishan and the Romanian-English version of Taishan-ul meu. Viorica is currently a professor of American Literature at the University of Salamanca.

維奧利卡   • 巴特雅,譯者、學者、編輯,現於薩拉曼卡大學教授美國與英國文學。她著書並編輯多本論文集,其中《短篇小說:21世紀的角度》榮獲 Javier Coy 研究獎最佳編輯書籍。她將羅馬尼亞語譯成西班牙語的詩集包括尼古拉斯滕達爾特(Nicolae Steinhardt)的《幸福日記》,安娜•布蘭迪亞娜(Ana Blandiana)的《過去的項目》和《四個季節》等。她還合作翻譯了《我的國土A4》、《往後太陽與感官潮退》、《十月、十一月、十二月》,以及《煤煙燻黑的大天使》。她編譯的雙語詩集包括 Patrizia de Rachewiltz 的《Mi Taishan》(西班牙語及英語)和《Taishan-ul meu》(羅馬尼亞語及英語版)。