Ana Luísa AMARAL – IPNHK 2019

AMARAL, Ana Luísa

Ana Luísa AMARAL (Portugal) has published over thirty books of poetry, a play, a novel, essays and several books for children. Her works are translated into over twenty languages (Chinese included) and published in several countries, such as Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, the United States and Venezuela. She was awarded national and international prizes and distinctions, among which the Medal for Services to Literature from the cities of Paris and Porto, the Correntes d’Escritas/Casino da Póvoa Prize, the Giuseppe Acerbi Prize for Poetry, the Great Prize of the Portuguese Association of Writers, the Prize PEN for Fiction, the Fondazione Roma International Prize as well as the Prize of Essay Jacinto Prado Coelho. Amaral teaches at the University of Porto and her academic research fields are Feminist and Queer Studies.

安娜.露易莎.阿瑪拉爾,葡萄牙詩人,著有超過三十本詩集、一本話劇劇本、一本長篇小說以及數本兒童讀物。其作品已經獲翻譯成廿多種語言在世界各地出版,包括巴西、哥倫比亞、法國、德國、意大利、墨西哥、荷蘭、西班牙、瑞典、英國、美國和委內瑞拉。她贏得多個國家與國際獎項和名銜,曾獲巴黎和波爾圖等城市頒發文學獎章、Premio Correntes d` Escritas文學獎、Giuseppe Acerbi詩歌獎、葡文作家協會大獎、筆會虛構類書籍獎、羅馬基金會國際文學獎,以及Jacinto Prado Coelho散文獎。阿瑪拉爾現於波爾圖大學任教,主要從事女性主義研究及酷兒研究。