Ghassan Zaqtan – IPNHK 2015

 Ghassan Zaqtan 加桑•扎克坦
(1954-)PALESTINE 巴勒斯坦

Ghassan Zaqtan is a Palestinian poet, novelist and editor. He is author of eleven collections of poetry. Born in Beit Jala, near Bethlehem, he has lived in Jordan, Beirut, Damascus, and Tunis, and currently resides in Ramallah. His book Like a Straw Bird it Follows Me translated by Fady Joudah was awarded the Griffin Poetry Prize in 2013. In recognition of his achievement and contribution to Arabic and Palestinian literature, Ghassan Zaqtan was awarded the National Medal of Honor by the Palestinian president in June the same year. He was also nominated among the short-listed winners of the 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature, an award sponsored by the University of Oklahoma and perceived as the American equivalent for the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the 2015 Sheikh Zayid Literature Prize. His name appeared for the first time in the fall of 2013 on the speculation list for the Nobel Prize for Literature. His work has been translated into English, French, Italian, Norwegian, German and other languages. He was the editor of Al-Shoua’ra from 2000 to 2004 and director of the House of Poetry. He is also a consultant for cultural policies in the Welfare Association and a member of the executive board of the Mahmand Darwish Foundation. He writes a weekly column in Al-Ayyam newspaper and the Emirate 24, and is the editor of the quarterly cultural magazine Palestinian Narrative. His father, Khalil Zaqtan, was also a poet.

加桑.扎克坦,巴勒斯坦詩人、小說家和編輯,生於伯利恆市附近的貝特賈拉鎮,曾居於約旦、貝魯特、大馬士革及突尼斯,現居巴勒斯坦拉姆安拉市。扎克坦曾出版十一本詩集,其中《牠像稻草鳥一樣跟著我》(菲迪.祖達譯)曾獲得2013年格里芬詩歌獎,同年6月獲頒巴勒斯坦總統頒予國家榮譽勛章,以誌扎克坦對阿拉伯及巴勒斯坦文學的建樹與貢獻;同年秋季又獲得諾貝爾文學獎提名,呼聲甚高。扎克坦曾入選奧克拉荷馬大學頒發2014紐斯塔特國際文學獎(該獎被譽為美國的諾貝爾獎)與2015謝赫.紮耶德文學獎。扎克坦的詩給翻譯成多國語言,包括英文、法文、意大利文、挪威文和德文等。2000至2004年間,扎克坦曾擔任詩刊Al-Soua’ra的主編,也是「詩歌之家」的主任,現為福利委員會文化政策顧問,以及馬赫曼德.達爾維什基金會執委會會員。扎克坦亦為Al-Ayyam和Emirate 24寫專欄,同時又是《敍述巴勒斯坦》文化季刊的主編。其父卡里爾.扎克坦也是詩人。